**When will I find out information about the bus? ** Bus assignments are traditionally sent to all families on the 3rd Friday in August
**Will I have a tour of the school? **Traditionally, each school’s parent organization hosts events in the late spring/early summer that include tours of the schools. It is recommended that you connect with the group associated with your child’s school. George H. Mitchell Elementary L. B. Merrill Elementary → contact Nicole Williams, at ecpo.merrill@gmail.com
Can I pick up/drop off my child at school? You always have the option to transport your child to/from school. In August, each school will send out parent drop-off and pick-up procedures.
Is there before/after school care? The Mitchell Elementary School runs a Before and After School Extention (B.A.S.E) program and the Merril Elementary School houses the Raynham Park and Recreation Before and After School program.
Bridgewater Before and After School Extension Program
B.A.S.E is available for students in grades K-3. Our mission is to provide quality care for students before and after school while keeping the lines of communication open between the program and home. We serve children in grades PK-5 and are open during the school year from 7:00-9:00 AM and 2:30-6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Constant student enrichment is provided through homework assistance and academically fortifying activities. As a professional staff, we care very much about your children and are here to provide a support system in a safe and happy environment. Registration will open early April 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year. For more information and to view the BASE Registration and Info Packet visit the District's website, bridge-rayn.org
Raynham Park & Rec Before and After School Child Care Program
The Before and After School Child Care Program has existed since September 1991. We serve children in grades K-8 and are open during the school year from 7:00-9:00 AM and 2:30-6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. We are located at the Laliberte Elementary School and the Merrill Elementary School. Our staff comprises Tim McRae, Director of Park and Recreation, Bethany Tolley, Child Care Administrator, site coordinators, group leaders, and assistant group leaders. If you have any questions or would like to be added to our waitlist, please call 508-824-2743 or email Bethany at btolley@town.raynham.ma.us. The Raynham Park and Recreation Child Care Programs are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC).
How many students will be in my child’s class? Each K classroom has a Kindergarten teacher and Education Support Professional. Class size is determined by how many students enroll in kindergarten. The District makes every effort to keep class sizes as small as possible.
What is the price of a school lunch? We have been notified by the USDA that for the 2025-2026 school year lunch will be free for all students. Students may bring lunch from home if they choose. Monthly lunch menus are posted on the district website for your convenience.
What is the kindergarten curriculum? Children may be enrolled in kindergarten if they are five (5) years of age before September 1st of the enrolling school year. Students are screened to assess their developmental milestones before they are enrolled. This screening takes place each spring, in late May or June. In some instances, students may need to be rescreened and/or will be referred for further testing through our Special Education Department. The Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District offers a full-day kindergarten for all incoming kindergarteners. Students receive a full-day of instruction in the major content areas and unified arts, which includes physical education twice a week, art and music once a week, and computer/library every other week. Students will also be served lunch and engage in recess each day
How should I be preparing my child for Kindergarten? To prepare your child for learning to read and math readiness in Kindergarten, you can do several simple but important things over the summer starting with helping your child practice writing his/her first and last name as well as:
Reading Readiness
- Read aloud every day
- Visit the library every week
- Play rhyming games
- Read nursery rhymes. Read ABC and Math Books. Build good listening.
- Build good oral language
Math Readiness
- Practice writing numbers
- Rote count to 20
- Notice numbers everywhere
- Talk about number order
- Count objects-start left to right, touch each one, and tell how many at the end.
- Identify basic shapes and find them throughout your home.
Is kindergarten attendance required? Massachusetts General Law Chapter 76 sets the requirements for student attendance. Students are expected to be in school for the required 180 days. If your child will be absent from school, we request that parents call the school and notify us of their child's absence. If you do not call your child's absence, an automated phone call will reach your phone number. Parents can also help by ensuring that Student Emergency Sheets and the Parent Portal are kept up to date and that we are advised of any changes in phone numbers at home, daycare, work, etc. Please keep in mind that even though your child's absence may have been reported through a phone call, notes are still required for each and every absence. If a student is absent from school, on the day a student returns from an absence, s/he must bring a note from home signed by his/her parent or guardian explaining the absence. This note should be given to the classroom teacher, who will forward it to the office. If a student is absent five or more consecutive days, a note from your child's physician must be provided to the School Nurse when your child returns to school. Student attendance is regularly monitored by the building administration and the District’s attendance officer. The purpose of monitoring attendance is primarily for safety reasons but also general attendance purposes. Chronic and/or excessive absences, tardies, and/or dismissal may result in a meeting with or correspondence from the school administration and/or attendance and in some cases involvement of the Juvenile Court System.
Are vacations considered excused absences? Family vacations scheduled during the school year are strongly discouraged. Nothing can substitute for the direct instruction and guided practice available only in the classroom. Should it be necessary for families to remove their children from school for a vacation, parents must contact the office with the information before the planned absence. It is NOT our practice to send schoolwork with a child on vacation. An opportunity to make up any missed work will be provided when the children return to school.
How is the district addressing the issues of diversity in its schools? This district has been working with L and P Educational Services around diversity, equity, and inclusion. This year's focus was on the administrative team and building leadership capacity. We are moving forward with L&P to begin training staff in these areas next year. We have also formed a district-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion committee comprising administrators, educators, parents, and community members tasked with gathering data and information about issues related to equity in our schools.
When will the Kindergarten screening take place and what will be expected of my child?
Our Kindergarten screening process is designed so that we can establish your child's academic readiness skills and any areas of concern relative to the areas of learning, speech, fine motor, and gross motor skills. Please note the screening process is to assist us in classroom placement and not to determine whether the student should or should not start Kindergarten. Kindergarten screenings are tentatively planned for June 10 - 13, 2024. You will receive a letter indicating the date and time of your child's screening appointment. Please have your child wear comfortable clothing and sneakers as they will be asked to demonstrate their motor skills by jumping, hopping, etc. Shortly after the screening, you will receive written notification of your child's screening results.
Is it a full-day kindergarten? If so, can we opt for half a day? BRRSD has full day kindergarten. If you have any concerns regarding full-day kindergarten, you should contact the principal of your child’s school.
What is Road to Kindergarten and Play Your Way to K?
Play Your Way to K sponsored by the Merrill School ECPO (Early Childhood Parent Organization) is pleased to present you with the opportunity to participate in a kindergarten orientation program offered by current school families for new school families. This program, known as "Play to K!" is a series of fun events that will begin in late spring and continue throughout the summer. Through these events, incoming kindergarten students and their families will be allowed to get together, enjoy some fun activities, and get to know one another! We will meet for some exciting events such as a tour of the school, picnics and playtimes, an ice cream social and hayride, a visit to the fire station, and more! For more information about "Play to K", please get in touch with Nicole Williams at ecpo.merrill@gmaiI.com
Road To Kindergarten sponsored by GMSPA. Kindergarten is a very exciting step in your students' education, and GMSPA is very pleased to share these first school moments with you through our Road To Kindergarten Program! The transition to kindergarten is an important time in a child's life; research shows that it influences a child's later school career. Our goal is to assist your family with a positive start by connecting you in positive and supportive ways with other families getting ready for Kindergarten. We hope to accomplish this with a sense of community while addressing any questions or concerns you may have. To learn more and to sign up please visit the website, www.RoadToKindergarten.org. We have planned activities for you and/or your student beginning in May and continuing through September. Activities are completely voluntary, you may participate in all or one activity.